Do you ship internationally?

Yes we do!

How Long Does Shipping Take?

Shipping takes 2-5 weeks depending on location. Some distant areas can take a bit longer. But we will get to you.

Do you guarantee delivery time?

Because the post office handles your shipment,we cannot guarantee the exact time of delivery.However,we will give you an idea of when the package will arrive.

How do I track my order?

We will email your tracking information as soon as your order has shipped. Usually your tracking number will be updated 3-7 days after your order has been shipped.

What if my order delivery was delayed?

We definitely will deliver your order in time under normal circumstances. While, shipping delays may occur due to holidays, natural disasters, or carrier delays. Please keep in mind holidays do not count as a business day and should be considered when calculating shipping times. 

I ordered 2+ items, but only received one... where is my order?

Since we print on demand and we have a large assortment of products stocked in different warehouses around the world, when you order multiple items at a time, they may be shipped separately. You may receive one item before the next. So don't panic if you don't receive all of your items at once…they are on the way. This is expected!


When purchasing online using your credit card, all of your information is entered into a SSL secure web page. Your information is then SSL-encrypted and sent directly to our credit card provider's network, where your card and transaction is authorized and approved. Your credit card information is not stored on our servers.


We accept all major credit/debit cards such as (VISA, Mastercard, AMEX) payments. We do not accept personal checks, money orders, direct bank transfers, or cash on delivery.